The one thing that amazes you with these events is that once they happen your old life which had just passed days ago seems like a lifetime away . It as if you had just been reborn to start a new life.
When I was diagnosed with my present health problems my life changed again in the same dramatic way. One day I was fit and healthy and walking my dog for a couple of hours a day the next I had difficulty walking a hundred yards and doing the simplest of things.You are effectively disabled in an instant with doctors telling you your going to need oxygen and a heart transplant to survive and for the first time in your life your falling asleep in the daytime through utter exhaustion.But life carries on. Not like before of course but you adapt and change and learn how to survive in your new circumstances and you fight on.You fight for your life!
That is the thing I think that unites all of us who have these conditions we fight! We fight to survive and to carry on.Its something we should be proud of I think and something we should never give up doing until our dying breath!